• Super Pannel Pvt. Ltd.

Star-delta Starter Panel

Star-delta Starter panel

Star Delta starting is the best known and perhaps the most widely used low voltage starting method. It is used to start the pump's motor with lower levels of mechanical stress and with current limitation during start-up; it does this with the aid of a timed system which switches the control contractors installed inside the panel.Star-delta starting reduces starting current and torque to values of 33% (1/3) of those measured during direct starting. During start-up, the currents flowing through components are lower than the motor's related current.

Ease in modification of logic, reduced size, means of remote communications and advances in the technology have made PLC Automation Control Panels an edge over conventional relay-based systems. Our robust engineering team has provided PLC based Panels from Various PLC units. With PLC based Panels HMI/MMI are provided to provide the operator various messages and controls of the process plants touch screen MMI are provided. To effective control of the system.